Traduzindo dessa mensagem do harp-l, é mais ou menos assim
1. É bafo, não é sopro
2. Aprenda acordes, notas e notas "fabricadas" (bends) antes de ir adiante
3. Dê um tapinha na sua gaita logo depois de tocar para tirar a baba
4. (Madcat) Sempre ande com uma "gaita de combate" no bolso. Ela vai ficar toda ferrada mas pelo menos vc vai poder treinar um pouco mais todo dia
5. Nunca fique tocando na platéia "acompanhando" o show da banda. É muito feio e deixa as pessoas com mais raiva dos gaitistas ainda.
6. (Madcat) Aprenda a tocar nas diversas posições e saiba de cabeça
7. Equalize sua gaita tirando os agudos e dando um grau nos médios e graves
8. Na dúvida, fique de olho no vocalista para saber o que e quando tocar (ou "não atravesse sem olhar para os lados")
9. Mics bullet são variações do astatic jt30 e do green bullet
10. (Madcat) Não importa que amp vc usa desde que soe bem
11. Não existe certo ou errado, existe o que soa bem
12. Na dúvida, use a regra 11
13. (Madcat) Relaxe. Nenhuma parte do seu corpo precisa estar tensa para tocar.
E acrescento a regra de Osmar: 2 long necks antes é o suficiente ;-)
From: Peter & Connie Ruth
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:57:57 -0400
Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Levelling the Playing Field
Madcat says: Here are my additions and comments on the "Leveling the Playing Field" thread:
2) Learn the difference between and how to play: Chords, single notes, and bent notes before progressing to anything else!
3) Tap your harmonica against your thigh IMMEDIATELY after playing, to knock the moisture out of it, then wipe the cover-plates off on your pants, or shirt, or whatever!
4) Never carry a "naked" harp in your pocket, because it can crushed, or clogged with coins and/or "pocket-crud"!
Madcat says: _ALWAYS_ carry a naked harp in your pocket... Yes, it will get crushed and clugged, but you will always have a harp handy and therefore you will get in more harp playing minutes every day. All your other harps should be kept in a clean dry case.
5) NEVER stand in the audience and play along with the band, Gus! It reinforces negative stereotypes and pisses musicians off!
6) Learn the difference between 1st and 2nd position, and get a "key-chart" to put in your harp-case!
Madcat say: While your at it, learn third, fourth, fifth and twelfth positions. Yes, have a key chart, but even better than that memorize the key chart.
7) When playing through a microphone ... have the bandleader or sound-man CUT THE TREBLE AND BOOST THE MIDS AND BASS A BIT!
8) If in doubt; watch the singer for a cue when to play!
9) The most common and classic harp microphones are the Shure 520SL "Green Bullet" and the Astatic JT-30. There are MANY variations on these "themes".
Madcat says: In 46 years of playing I've NEVER used either of these microphones. I don't like them...
10) Smaller, "tube" type amps are best suited for harmonica, with tube substitutions in the pre-amp stage used to control feedback, or "howling".
Madcat says: It doesn't matter at all whether it is a tube amp or a solid state amp. The only thing that matters is that the amp sounds good...
11) There IS no "right" or "wrong" ... only good-sounding and bad-sounding!!!
Madcat says: That's right!
12) When in doubt ... refer to RULE #11
13) Madcat says; Relax. No part of your body needs to be tense when you play harmonica